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There are many reasons why clients move to THIS R&D and stay with us. Here are some examples:
- Their previous claim was undervalued. THIS R&D was able to demonstrate this and successfully recover these costs.
- A passion for R&D and to deliver for our clients!
- A willingness to offer a competitive range of fee bases, including fixed fee, time based or contingent (i.e. charged against a successful submission being approved by HMRC).
- The ability to work quickly and efficiently on claims.
We are happy to undertake a review of any previous R&D submissions free of charge. We would love to hear from you!
We are quick, efficient, professional & friendly on all things R & D
A typical R&D claim is worth £15 – £30k… if it consumes a day of your time to realise, is it worth it?
With a mix of entrepreneurs and R&D tax specialists, we recognise how busy all business owners and their teams are, and as such we aim to take up less than a day of your time when preparing a claim.
We are an experienced team. Our Head of Tax Tom Byng has been involved in R&D Tax Relief claims for 20 years, working with hundreds of clients and thousands of claims. The other Directors have claimed R&D Tax Relief in their previous businesses. The passion to work in this field is fuelled by a belief that R&D Tax Relief is a catalyst for growth, which we want others to benefit from.
An R&D submission consists of a written report and an amendment of a Corporation Tax return. Our process is bespoke to every client, with all work being carried out in house at THIS R&D and not outsourced.
Our core values are aligned to creating opportunities for your business in the form of R&D tax credits, please feel free to contact us